Dust Emissions Bay Area Concrete Recycling

Friday 26 August 2016 02:44:36 PM

Location: 1236 Carroll Avenue, San Francisco, CA, United States

Category: Air


I observed large uncovered piles, several dozen feet tall, on a very windy day at Bay Area Concrete Recyling, 1236 Caroll Avenue, in Bayview Hunters Point, San Francisco. There appears to be no dust mitigation measures being used, even though Double Rock public housing is directly across the street and the Literacy for Environmental Justice progams for youth take place adjacent to the facility. We wonder how this facility received permits and whether there was adequate public notice and a real environmental review. This would never ever be allowed in a rich white community.



Author: Bradley Angel - Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice

Email: bradley@greenaction.org


I was very concerned to see this facility operating so close to a youth program and to low-income residents who already bear an unacceptable burden of pollution. We request that the Bay Area Air Quality Management District and California Air Resources Board inform the community and the BVHP EJ Task Force about the permitting history of this facility and that they work to ensure that emissions stop at the fence line of the facility.

Author: John Marvin - Bay Area Air Quality Management District

Email: jmarvin@baaqmd.gov


An inspector for the Bay Area Air Quality Management District conducts regular inspections at this facility. To date, the inspector has not documented a violation of the Air District's visible emissions requirement. Please call our complaint line at 1-800-337-ODOR (6367) to report a dust complaint. The facility is permitted through the State's portable equipment registration program (PERP). The permits are active. There is water onsite for dust control.

Author: Beronica Lee- SFDPH Solid Waste Program/LEA

Email: beronica.lee@sfdph.org


While the referenced facility is not regulated by SFDPH Solid Waste Program/LEA, SFDPH has been working with property owners and responsible parties of the various properties 1200-1300 block of Carroll Ave contributing to dust nuisance on Carroll Ave. SFDPH issued a Notice of Violation (NOV) to the property owner of the referenced property on 6/15/16 to complete implementation trackout control to eliminate dust and dirt trackout all entrances and exits used. On 8/3/16, SFDPH conducted a re-inspection and verified that the facility adequately abated the violation. Both the property manager and the operator of the Bay Area Concrete Recycling were present during the 8/3/16 inspection. Per the Bay Area Concrete Recycling's written “Dust Control & Track Out Operations Procedures,” obtained on site, the facility controls dust by controlling truck speed, applying water to the concrete and aggregate piles, utilizing tire wash installed at each exit/entrance, sweeping entrance/exit, and by using water trucks to wet all driveways and roadways down Carroll Ave to Ingalls St.





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