Foul Smell
Wednesday 26 October 2016 04:58:09 PM
Location: 3433 3rd Street, San Francisco, CA, United States
Category: Air
Every day when I bike past this area there is an extremely pungent and disgusting smell. It is so strong that I can barely breathe while biking through this stretch. I am not knowledgeable on what kind of smell it could be, but I know that it is terrible and I am concerned for my lung health every day when I bike through. Please help resolve this problem ASAP, I, and my fellow neighbors, would very much appreciate it. Thank you.
Author: Alona Davis, Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Thank you. Our inspector will be investigating this complaint. The Air District is aware that there is a foul odor in this area that is coming from the SFPUC sewer line. While it seems there is no immediate solution to stop the odor, SFPUC has said they are working on a solution to to flush this section of sewer efficiently. We will be following up with them.
Author: Alona Davis, Bay Area Air Quality Management District
The Air District inspector went to the location this morning and reported that he did not smell a pungent odor or sewer related odor in the area. He noted that he could smell the burnt cooking odor from the Darling International facilty in the area. In addition to using the IVAN website, you can also call in complaints directly to the Air District while the odor is occurring. This way the inspector has the best chance at determining the source and contacting you to discuss your observations. Our complaint line is 1-800-334-6367 or online at