Dust and Pollution in the air

Friday 14 April 2017 12:32:19 PM

Location: 621-799 Amador St, San Francisco, CA 94124, USA

Category: Air


Trucks have no cover and dust is in the air around the roads which makes it hard to breath.



Author: Alona Davis, Bay Area Air Quality Management District

Email: adavis@baaqmd.gov


Thank you for logging your complaint. We received this complaint on Friday night and an Air District inspector was not able to investigate until Monday morning 4/17. He found that road dust was an issue. He contacted Cemex, Central and Lehigh-Hanson environmental managers to coordinate each other on the use and scheduling of their street sweepers to clean the roadways. He will be following up with the conditions of the roads in this area. In addition to logging through IVAN, Please call in any complaints to our complaint line at 1-800-334-ODOR (6367) for the best chance to have an inspector respond the same day that you observe the odor or dust issue.

Author: Alona Davis, Bay Area Air Quality Management District

Email: adavis@baaqmd.gov


Regarding the issue of the trucks not being covered, the Air District Inspector determined they are Lehigh-Hanson customers picking up sand and aggregates. However, the facility said they cannot required their customers to put on a tarp before exiting their site because OSHA would required them to install safety platform for the drivers to climb and put their tarp safely. The Air District does not have the authority to require tarping of these trucks, but the inspector is working on getting these businesses in the area to keep the road ways clean.





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