Biological contamination

Sunday 19 July 2015 12:08:36 PM

Location: 269 Tunnel Ave.

Category: Air


Large seagull droppings carried by the winds hit the sides of buildings, roofs, yards, streets, sidewalks, and playgrounds. We are told that this presents biological contamination that can spread disease similar to other vector pests. We are told it should be cleaned up, however as an individual homeowner, we are not even able to hose it off a wall, and this is a drought. Recology is the responsible party, as they operate their facilities in such a manner that they attract seagulls, crows, and pigeons to the food sources. We hear that the only means they use to attempt to discourage the birds is loud fireworks. That contributes to our Noise complaints, and only disturbs the birds long enough for them to fly around a bit and crap on us!


Author: Stella Yip



The Task Force has verified these are real problems and are referring the matter to the following agencies: Rodents - 311/SF Dept of Environmental Health Bird feces contamination/Sea gull infestation - 311/ SF Dept of Environmental Health Odor - BAAQMD Noise - Recology SF

Author: Stella Yip



As of Wednesday 8/5/15, The Task Force referred these complaints to 311. The following report was written : "Hunters Point Enviormental Justice Response Taskforce wanted to report that the recology building is having a major rat infestation that is causing rats to go on to several properties that surround the building at this location. Ms Yip is concerned because of the health hazard this could cause to residents in the area that she represents. She is concerned because of how many people are being impacted by the rat infestation and feels that the area needs to be inspected to see if the infestation can be corrected. Please call Ms Yip for follow up on the report." During the phone call, I also brought to their attention complaints about a seagull infestation, and I am waiting for a follow-up for next steps about who to contact. Regarding noise complaints about the garbage-collection trucks, I was referred to Recology to get that issue addressed. Also, I am planning to call 311 again once I collect more information about potholes and poor pavement quality during a future site visit.

Author: Stella Yip



As of Monday 8/10/15, the Task Force has forwarded an odor complaint to the BAAQMD with the following: "Residences are complaining about the odor that is emitting from the Recology Center and its Transfer Center. The odor comes from the food waste, and is present all day. This significantly affects residents' appetite and degrades their quality of life." The Task Force will wait for a response.

Author: Stella Yip



On 8/12/15, Recology was invited to attend the Task Force meeting 8/19/15. Recology accepted the invitation and one of their representatives will attend.

Author: Uzziel Prado, MPH, REHS



Good morning. SF DPH, Environmental Health Branch, Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) regulates permitted solid waste facilities in the City and County of San Francisco. They must meet state minimum standards set by the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle). This includes the Recology transfer station. Below is the link for the inspection reports for this facility (38-AA-0001) as well as for past/present SF solid waste facilities. Click on the “SWIS NUMBER,” “Inspection” tab, and “Inspection Date” date to view inspection reports. Many of your concerns are being addressed by your LEA health inspector regulator. CalRecycle maintains this public resource and website. You can search these facilities with the following links. San Francisco County: All Counties:



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